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Breakdowns: Text

This process breakdown serves to shine a light on my process when animating a larger scene or longer animation. As I've worked as a gameplay animator for the past years I felt motivated to create an animation piece that did not consist of cycle animation as is typical in game use.

Breakdowns: Video


Breakdowns: Text

Here's a large amount of my work on Planetary Pest Control. This was my 3rd year game project at Falmouth University. I worked alongside a team of 17 other individuals, including one fellow animator and rigging artist. Although I worked in on most aspects of the animation pipeline throughout development my role on this project was mainly Engine and 3D character animation. I also manage the communication between other routes such as artists, programmers, and designers. This allowed me to design functional animation systems for aiming and masking animations efficiently.


If you'd want to see other styles of animation please take a look at the "More Animations" page.

Breakdowns: Video
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